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Save Old Version

The Save Old Version command is used to open the projects that you have modeled in the latest version in the ideCAD in an older version .

Location of the Save Old Version Command

You can access it from the menu under the ideCAD logo in the upper left corner of the screen in the ribbon menu.


Usage Steps

To save old version;

  • Click on the ideCAD logo in the upper left corner of the screen

  • Click the Save Old Version icon from the menu that opens. The Save Old Version dialog will open.

  • Select the version you want to save and press the OK button.

If the version you want to save is older than 8.62, you will see a warning screen in case your project cannot be opened.

  • Type a name for the project file in the file name line.

  • Click the Save button. The project will be saved in the version you specify with the name you give.

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