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Retaining Wall Parameters

With the Retaining Wall Parameters command, the design parameters used in the Concrete Retaining Wall Design are determined. Concrete cover, maximum and minimum reinforcement interval, etc. parameters are determined from the Retaining Wall Parameters window.

Location of Retaining Wall Parameters Dialog

Ribbon menu Analysis and Design tab Design Parameters title under Retaining Wall Parameters by clicking on the command Retaining Wall Parameters can be found in the dialogue.

Retaining Wall Parameters

It determines with parameters which criteria the program will comply with in reinforced concrete design and reinforcement placement stage.


Concrete cover

It is the distance from the center of gravity of the reinforcement to the outer face of the concrete.

Min. tensile percentage

In the tensile zone, give the minimum percentage value to be used in the rebar calculation. The entered value is multiplied by the sectional area and the rebar selection is made in a way that is not less than the result.

Min. tensile interval

In the tensile zone, give the smallest possible distance between two rebar bars. This value is taken into consideration in the selection of rebar.

Max. tensile interval

In the tensile zone, give the value of the greatest possible distance between two rebars. This value is taken into consideration in the selection of rebar.

Min. transverse percentage

Give the minimum percentage value to be used in horizontal rebars. The entered value is multiplied by the sectional area and the rebar selection is made in a way that is not less than the result.

Max. transverse interval

Give the smallest possible distance between two rebars for use in horizontal rebars. This value is taken into consideration in the selection of rebar.

Max. transverse interval

Give the maximum possible distance between two reinforcement bars to be used in horizontal reinforcements. This value is taken into consideration in the selection of reinforcement.

Min. compression percentage

In the pressure zone, give the minimum percentage value to be used in rebar calculation. The entered value is multiplied by the sectional area and the rebar selection is made in a way that is not less than the result.

Min. compression interval

Give the smallest possible distance between two reinforcing bars in the pressure zone. This value is taken into account in the selection of reinforcement.

Max. compression interval

Give the maximum possible distance between two reinforcing bars in the pressure zone. This value is taken into consideration in the selection of reinforcement.

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