8-Bolts Stiffened End Plate Connection Design per AISC 358-16 & AISC 360-16
How does ideCAD design eight bolts stiffened end plate connection according to AISC 358-16 & AISC 360-16?
Eight-bolts stiffened end plate connection is designed automatically according to the AISC 358-16 and AISC 360-16 by the ideCAD Structural.
Ab: Non-threaded bolt web characteristic cross-sectional area
Ag: Gross area
An: Net cross-section area
Ae: Effective net cross-sectional area
Avg: Gross area under shear stress
Anv: Net area under shear stress
Ant: Net area under tensile stress
Aw: Cross-section web area
bbf = width of beam flange, in. (mm)
bp = width of end-plate, in. (mm)
d = depth of connecting beam, in. (mm)
g = horizontal distance between bolts, in. (mm)
dh: Bolt hole diameter
Fy: Structural steel characteristic yield strength
Fu: Structural steel characteristic tensile strength
Fyb: Bolt characteristic yield strength
Fub: Bolt characteristic tensile strength
nsp: Number of slip planes
s: Distance between bolt-hole centers
L: Connector distance
Lc: The clear distance between bolt holes
Le: The distance from the center of the bolt hole to the edge of the assembled element
Leh: The horizontal distance from the center of the bolt hole to the edge of the assembled element
Lev: The vertical distance from the center of the bolt hole to the edge of the assembled element
pb = vertical distance between the inner and outer row of bolts in an eight-bolt stiffened connection, in. (mm)
pfi = vertical distance from the inside of a beam tension flange to the nearest inside bolt row, in. (mm)
pfo = vertical distance from the outside of a beam tension flange to the nearest outside bolt row, in. (mm)
tbf = thickness of beam flange, in. (mm)
tp = thickness of end-plate, in. (mm)
Rn: Characteristic strength
Rnt: Characteristic tensile strength
Rnv: Characteristic shear strength
Connection Geometry

Bolts Spacing
The distance between the centers of bolts is checked per AISC 360-16.
smin ≥ 3d | AISC 360-16 J3.3 |
s | 90 mm |
d | 30 mm | s =90 mm > smin = 3*30=90 mm | √ |
Horizontal Edge Distance
The distance from the center of the hole to the edge of the connected part in the horizontal direction is checked per AISC 360-16.
Leh ≥ Le-min | AISC 360-16 J3.4 |
Leh | 70 mm | L eh ≥ 2d = 2 * 30 = 60 mm conformity check for application | √ |
Le-min | 38 mm | Minimum distance check according to Table J3.4 | √ |
Vertical Edge Distance
The distance from the center of the hole to the edge of the connected part in the vertical direction is checked per AISC 360-16.
Lev ≥ Le-min | AISC 360-16 J3.4 |
Lev | 70 mm | Leh ≥ 2d = 2 * 30 = 60 mm conformity check for application | √ |
Le-min | 38 mm | Minimum distance check according to Table J3.4 | √ |
Beam Web to End Plate Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 7.072 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 5 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Stiffener to Beam Flange Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 8.487 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Stiffener to End Plate Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 8.487 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Continuity Plate to Column Flange Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Continuity Plate to Column Web Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Beam span / Beam cross-section height | 9144 mm /450 mm=20.32 | ≥7.0 |
End plate thickness, tp | 30 mm | 19≤tp ≤64 |
End plate width, bp | 280 mm | 229≤ bp ≤ 381 |
Horizontal distance between bolts, g | 140 mm | 127≤g≤152 |
pfi | 50 mm | 41≤pfi ≤51 |
pfo | 50 mm | 41≤pfo ≤51 |
pb | 90 | 89≤pfo ≤95 |
Beam depth, db | 450 mm | 457≤db≤914 |
Beam flange thickness, tbf | 15 mm | 14≤tbf ≤25 |
Beam flange width, bbf | 190 | 190≤bbf ≤311 |
Column depth | 650 | ≤ 920 mm |
Bolt grade | 10.9 | 8.8 - 10.9 |
Min yield stress of the end plate material | 275 MPa | 235 /275 / 355 MPa |
Flange plate weld | CJP | CJP |
Strength Checks

Bolt Diameter
The required bolt diameter, db, for Eight bolts unstiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.8
Muc | 861.35 kNm | AISC 358-16 (6.8-4) |
Ft | 750000 kN/m2 |
h1 |
h2 |
h3 |
h4 |
db |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
21.607 mm | 30 mm | 0.720 | √ |
End Plate Thickness
The required end plate thickness, tb, for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.8
Muc | 861.35 kNm | AISC 358-16 (6.8-5) |
Fyp | 275 N/mm2 |
s |
Yp |
Yp |
tp |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
23.395 mm | 30 mm | 0.780 | √ |
End Plate Stiffener Thickness
The required stiffener thickness, tb, for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.8
tbw | 9 mm | AISC 358-16 (6.8-9) |
Fyb | 275 N/mm2 |
Fys | 275 N/mm2 |
ts | 15 mm |
| |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
9 mm | 15 mm | 0.600 | √ |
End Plate Stiffener Local Buckling
Stiffener local buckling limit state for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.8
hs | 210 mm | AISC 358-16 (6.8-10) |
ts | 15 mm |
E | 20000000 kN/m2 |
Fys | 275000 kN/m2 |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
14 mm | 15.102 mm | 0.927 | √ |
Stiffener to Beam Flange Weld Size
The required end weld size for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked.
Fys | 275000 kN/m2 | AISC DG 4-2nd 3.2.10 |
ts | 15 mm |
Fe | 490000 kN/m2 |
w | |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
7.938 mm | 8.487 mm | 0.935 | √ |
Stiffener to End Plate Weld Size
The required end weld size for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked.
Fys | 275000 kN/m2 | AISC DG 4-2nd 3.2.10 |
ts | 15 mm |
Fe | 490000 kN/m2 |
w |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
7.938 mm | 8.487 mm | 0.935 | √ |
Bolt Shear Rupture Check
The shear limit state of end plate bolts is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Ab |
| AISC 358-16 6.8-11 |
Fn |
| |
Rn |
| |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
272.371 kN | 2290.22 kN | 0.119 | √ |
Bolt Bearing on End Plate
Bearing strength limit states of the connection plate that are “shear tear out” and “ovalization of bolt hole” for both end and inner bolts are checked according to AISC 360-16.
dh | 30+3=33 mm |
Lc,edge |
Rn |
| AISC 358-16 6.8-12 |
Rn-edge |
Lc,spacing1 |
Rn-spacing1 |
Lc,spacing2 |
Rn-spacing2 |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
272.371 kN | 6044.22 kN | 0.045 | √ |
Bolt Bearing on Column Flange
Bearing strength limit states of the connection plate that are “shear tear out” and “ovalization of bolt hole” for both end and inner bolts are checked according to AISC 360-16.
dh | 30+3=33 mm |
Rn |
| AISC 358-16 6.8-12 |
Rn-edge |
Lc,spacing1 |
Rn-spacing1 |
Lc,spacing2 |
Rn-spacing2 |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
272.371 kN | 6424.142 | 0.042 | √ |
Beam Web to End Plate Weld Size
The required end weld size for eight bolts stiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.7
Fyp | 275000 kN/m2 | AISC 358-16 6.7.6 (3) |
tbw | 9 mm |
Fe | 490000 kN/m2 |
w |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
4.763 mm | 7.072 mm | 0.673 | √ |
Column Flange Thickness
The required column flange thickness, tcf, for four bolts unstiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16 §6.8
Muc | 861.352 kNm | AISC 358-16 (6.8-13) |
Fyp | 275000 kN/m2 |
s |
c |
Yc |
Yc |
tcf |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
22.137 mm | 31 mm | 0.714 | √ |
Column Panel Zone Shear
Yielding of the column panel zone for eight bolts unstiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 360-16 §J.10
Pr | 625.405 kN | AISC 360-16 J10-9 |
Py |
Fy | 275000 kN/m2 |
Ag | 28634.759 mm2 |
dc | 650 mm |
tw | 16 mm |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
1754.043 kN | 1716 kN | 1.022 | ꭓ |
Panel Zone Thickness
The required panel zone thickness for eight bolts unstiffened end plate connection is checked according to AISC 358-16.
tmin≥u/180 | TBDY 2018 | |
tmin = t w | 16 mm |
tw | 16 mm |
u | 2016 mm |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
11.2 mm | 16 mm | 0.700 | √ |