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Part 47. Examine the Analysis Model

In this tutorial, examine the analysis model.

This video contain the following:

1. Use the Analysis+Design (F9) command.

2. Use the Analysis Model command.

3. Use the 1.4G+1.6Q command from Deformation heading.

4. Select the Modal E1 from Case/combination list.

5. Click the Animate command.

6. Select the G'+Q'+Ex-0.3Ey+0.3Ez from Case/combination list.

7. Use the Moment 3-3 command from Frame Results heading.

8. Use the Moment 3-3 command from Purlin heading.

9. Use the Shell Results command from Shell Elements heading.

10. Select the Slab Results and M11 from the Component list.

11. Select the 1.4G+1.6Q from Case/combination list.

12. Use the AS1 Under command from Shell Elements heading.

13. Use the Concrete Insufficient Rebar Area command.

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