Semi-Rigid Diaphragm (Elastic Diaphragm) Behavior
It is the analysis of slabs by dividing them into shell elements and taking into account their deformations.
With Semi-Rigid Diaphragm Behavior;
Slabs are divided into shell elements.
Since the in-plane effects of the slab are taken into account, it gives more precise results.
Story masses are considered as distributed masses along the slabs.
Preferred building types;
Structures with plan irregularity and torsional irregularity
Structures with slab discontinuity
Structures with beamless slab system
Structures with rib or cassette slab system

The slab is divided into shell elements and deformations are taken into account.

When we compare the rigid diaphragm and semi-rigid diaphragm models, different displacement values are seen in the middle region of the models.
In the semi-rigid diaphragm model, the displacement value is 0.163 millimeters.

Taken from ideCAD Finite Element Guidelines from pages 57 to after.
Diaphragm Modeling Selection
To model a Semi-Rigid diaphragm, select the diaphragm modeling method from the Analysis Settings dialog.

Display of Horizontal Loads

Behavior of Structure Under Vertical Loads

Examination of Transitional Storey Structures with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

Examination of Structures with A2 - A3 Irregularity with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

Examination of Structures with Beamless Flooring with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

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