Shear Wall Modeling with Finite Elements Mesh (
The shear frame models in which the wall end regions defined for the reinforced concrete design of the wall section in TBDY Section 7 are modeled like columns and the region between them as a very rigid beam, are not used for walls under any circumstances.
In TBDY 2018 , the most important difference compared to the previous earthquake regulations is the necessity to make a suitable solution for the shell model according to the finite element method in modeling the curtains. A shell model is created automatically according to the finite element method for non-gap curtains .
Local Axes of Shell Elements Stiffness Multipliers Usage in Accordance Table 4.2 (4.5.8)
According to the finite element method, finite element width can be changed from the program interface according to the sensitivity of the calculation to be made in the walls. After the analysis, the deformations of the shearwalls and the crust results are displayed.