Generate Steel Design Reports
Generate TBDY, concrete and steel element reports of the project whose Analysis+Design is done. |
Click the Analysis+Design (F9) command.
Do you want to perform analysis? question will be asked.
Click the Yes button.
Wait for the analysis to complete in the Analysis Status window.
After the analysis is complete, click the OK button to close the window.

Open the list of Introduction Informations from the Structure Tree, Results list.
Click the Structure General Information line.

Structure General Information reports will open in the Report Preview window.

Close the Report Preview window.
Click on the Ribbon menu Reports tab.
Click on the Steel Column Report command from the Steel heading.

Steel column reports will be opened in the ide Report.
With the Fit height command, the zoom is made according to the page height.
Examine steel column reports.

Close the ide Report.
Click the Steel Purlin Report command in the Steel heading.

Steel purlin reports will be opened in the ide Report.
With the Fit width command, the zoom is made according to the page width.
Examine the steel purlin reports.

Close the ide Report.
From the perspective window, right-click the mouse to open the right-click menu.
Click the Solid with Edges line.
Double-click the left mouse button on one of the column foundation connection.
The Stiffened Baseplate Connection dialog will open.
Click on the Design Report button.

The connection design report dialog will open.
Review the steel connection design report.

Follow the steps of the video below.
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