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Shallow Foundation per ACI 318-19 with ideCAD

How does ideCAD design single footing, strip footing, and mat foundations according to ACI 318-19?

  • Single footing, strip footing, and mat foundations are designed automatically according to ACI Chapter 13.


Ag = gross area of concrete section, in2
As = area of nonprestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement, in2
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi
Es = modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, psi
fc' = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
fy = specified yield strength for nonprestressed reinforcement, psi
Mu = factored moment at section, in.-lb
β = ratio of long to short dimentions; clear spans for two-way slabs, sides of column, concentrated load or reaction area; or sides of a footing
γs = factor used to determine the portion of reinforcement located in center band of footing

According to ACI, the bottom reinforcement's minimum foundation effective depth is 6 inches.

According to ACI, in sloped, stepped, or tapered foundations, the depth, and location of steps or slope angle should be such that design requirements are satisfied at every section.

One-way Shallow Foundations

According to ACI, one-way shallow foundations, including strip footings, combined footings, and grade beams, should be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of ACI Chapter 7 (One-Way Slab Design per ACI 318-19 §7) and ACI Chapter 9 (Reinforced Concrete Beam Design per ACI 318-19 per ACI 318-19 §9, §18).

According to ACI, reinforcement should be distributed uniformly across the entire width of a one-way footing.

Two-way Isolated Foundations

According to ACI, two-way shallow foundations should be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of ACI Chapter 7 (One-Way Slab Design per ACI 318-19 §7) and ACI Chapter 8 (Two-Way Slab Design per ACI 318-19 §8).

According to ACI, reinforcement should be distributed uniformly across the entire width of two-way footing in both directions.

According to ACI; in rectangular footing, reinforcement should be distributed in accordance with two conditions given below;

  • Reinforcement in the long direction should be distributed uniformly across the entire width of the footing.

  • Reinforcement in the short direction, a portion of the total reinforcement, γsAs, should be distributed uniformly over a band equal to the length of the short side of the footing, centered on the centerline of the column or pedestal. The remainder of reinforcement required in the short direction, (1-γs)As, shall be distributed uniformly outside the center bandwidth of footing, where γs is calculated by ACI Eq. (,

Two-way Combined Footings and Mat Foundations

According to ACI, two-way shallow foundations should be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of ACI Chapter 8 (Two-Way Slab Design per ACI 318-19 §8).

According to ACI, the distribution of bearing pressure under combined footings and mat foundations should be consistent with the properties of the soil or rock and the structure and with established principles of soil or rock mechanics.

According to ACI, the minimum area of flexural reinforcement in nonprestressed mat foundations is satisfied near the tension face of the slab in the direction of the span, As,min=0.0018Ag

Walls as Grade Beams

According to ACI, walls as grade beams should be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of ACI Chapter 9 (Reinforced Concrete Beam Design per ACI 318-19 per ACI 318-19 §9, §18).

According to ACI, walls as grade beams should satisfy the minimum reinforcement requirement of ACI 11.6.

According to ACI 11.6.1, If in-plane Vu ≤ 0.5ϕαcλ√fc‘Acv, minimum ρl, and ρt should be in accordance with ACI Table 11.6.1.

According to ACI 11.6.1, If in-plane Vu ≤ 0.5ϕαcλ√fc‘Acv, two conditions given below should be satisfied;

  • ρl should be at least the greater of the value calculated by ACI Eq. (11.6.2) and 0.0025

  • The minimum value of ρt should be 0.0025

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