Selecting Multiple Lines in the Design Dialog
You can select more than one line by using "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys in any design dialog, so you can change the dimensions, reinforcement and / or reinforcement fixing of the selected elements at once.
You can apply the process for two different situations:
By skipping lines, selecting the desired elements one by one
Starting from a certain line, until the desired element, by selecting all elements without skipping lines
The process steps for selecting individual desired elements one by one by skipping lines:
Hold down Ctrl and select the lines one by one with the left mouse button.
After selecting one by one, press the shift key without releasing the Ctrl key.
Double click on the value you want to change in any row. (One click is sufficient for the DS column.)
After making the change, the change will be applied to all selected lines.

Starting from a certain line, until the desired element, by selecting all elements without skipping lines
Click on the first row you want to select.
Press the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously.
Click on the last row you want to select.
Double click on the value you want to change in any row. (One click is sufficient for the DS column.)
After making the change, the change will be applied to all selected lines.

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