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Create the Steel Beams

Create steel beams in this section.

Previous steps have been followed in the project file called Create the Steel Beams. You can download the file and follow the steps given in this title on the project.

Create the Steel Beams.cde

  • Click on the command steel beam from the steel menu.

  • Select the RHS 100 * 150 * 4 section from the steel beam toolbar section list.

  • Click on the C-1 axis intersection. Press the spacebar and slide the beam to the other side of the axis.

  • Click on the D-1 axis intersection. A steel beam will be formed.

  • Click on the D-2, D-3 and D-4 axis intersections respectively. Steel beams will be formed.

  • Click on C-4 axis intersection. A steel beam will be formed.

  • Click on the D-3, D-2 and D-1 axis intersections respectively. Steel beams will be formed.

Follow the steps of the video below.


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