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TSC-2018 - Building Base and Building Height


H N = Building Total Height
T p, all = In the dominant vibration mode in the direction of each of the building axes perpendicular to each other, the natural vibration period
T p calculated in the same direction for the whole building including the basement floors , top = In the dominant vibration mode in the direction of each of the building axes perpendicular to each other, Natural vibration period calculated in the same direction without taking into account all basement masses including the ground floor in the carrier system.

3.3.1. Building Base and Building Height - The following (a) and (b) from both the building basements of buildings that also the bottom of the given conditions are defined at the level of floor coverings in the upper elevations of the basement shear.

(a) Rigid basement walls surrounding the building from all sides or at least three sides,

(b) orthogonal in the dominant vibration mode in the direction of each of the building axis calculated for the entire building, including basements natural vibration period 's, including the flooring on the ground floor in the same carrier system all basement mass calculated in the same direction irrespective of the natural vibration period of ' the ratio of the 1.1 be small (T p, all ≤1.1 T p, top ). - Buildings with basement and buildings without basement that do not meet any of the conditions given in , the building floor is defined at the foundation upper elevation. - in terms of seismic analysis building height H N , or 'defined according to building base ' is defined as beginning from the measured height. In this definition, the elevator engine room and similar small-mass extensions on the roof slab may not be considered.

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