Polygon Creation

Polygons are 2-dimensional objects created by combining lines with multiple nodes defined by the user. All polygons in Dio are closed polygons (with a line between the start and end points).
To create a polygon;
Click the Line Drawing / Polygon .
You will see a dialog with Undo and Finish buttons.
After you click your first point, a line will start moving relative to the mouse.
After you click on your second point, a triangle will form, whose third point moves relative to the mouse.
A polygon will be created with increasing number of sides as you add other points.
Proper dialogue on the screen after drawing a polygon Finish by clicking on the polygon can create.
If you notice that a point is wrong, you can click the Undo button to undo the points starting from the end in order of their occurrence.
Although polygons are created, they do not have any use.
You can convert a polygon to a crate / wing using Polygon-> Case / Wing Transform .
You can open a space in a case using Polygon-> Space Transformation .
You can make the polygon 3-dimensional using the stretch command.
To modify an existing polygon:
Click on the polygon. The polygon will turn green and the nodes will become active as red boxes.
The cursor shape will change when you hover over the node points. In this case, you can click the nodes and move them.
You can delete the polygon by pressing the Del / Delete key on the keyboard .
Additional information:
If the polygon is drawn with a door or window handle and this polygon is extended, this elongated object must be connected to the wing with the "Establish Case / Wing Object Connection" command. Otherwise, when the wing opens, the arm will stay where it is.
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