Basic Combinations (Dead, live or other loads) with Seismic Load Effects.
Load combinations with earthquake effects are automatically generated by using Equations 4.11 and 4.12 .
E d = Total earthquake effect based on the design with directional coupling
E d (H) = Horizontal earthquake effect based on the design with direction coupling
E d (Z) = (Z) direction earthquake effect
G = Constant load effect
H = Horizontal ground thrust effect
Q = Live load effect - Based on the design of the structural system elements, load combinations including earthquake effect are defined by Equation (4.11) and Equation (4.12) :

Here Q stands for live load effect, S for snow load effect, and H for horizontal ground thrust described in Section 16 . Horizontal earthquake impact E d (H) shall be determined according to 4.4.2 , vertical earthquake effect E d (Z) shall be determined according to 4.4.3 . - In steel and light steel buildings;
(a) Load and Resistance Factor Design with (YDKT) approach, the treatment of Eq. (4.11) from S instead of 1.2 G to be taken, Eq. (4.12) will be used as it is.
(b) If the Design with Safety Factors (GKT) approach is applied, the load combinations given in Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 shall be used , except for the foundation design according to Chapter 16 .