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  • Nonlinear calculation method selection is under user control.

Any of the nonlinear methods can be chosen to determine the earthquake performance of existing buildings with the Assessment and Design Based on Shaping (ŞGDT) approach. These methods 5.6 'as described in Single Mode Push Methods , 5.6.6 ' as described in Multi-mode push Methods with 5.7 'as described in the Time Domain of Nonlinear Analysis Methods ' dir.

Nonlinear calculation methods to be used for determination of structural performances of existing or strengthened buildings under the effect of earthquakes and strengthening calculations are applied with the methods explained in Section 5 of TBDY . However, TBDY Chapter 5 is used in determining the performance of new buildings. Therefore, the following conditions are applied when determining the earthquake performance of existing buildings.

  • Existing Material Strengths are used by using Information Level Coefficient in element capacity calculations (Information Level and Current Material Strength). Uncertainties in the carrier system are reflected in the calculation method through the information level coefficients according to the given scope obtained from the building

  • The material models described in the title Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete and Reinforcement Materials are used as wrapped and uncoated concrete and reinforcement models.

  • For ductile elements, damage limits are defined at the section level and the damage conditions of sections are determined. These are Limited Damage (BC), Controlled Damage (RC) and Pre-Collapse Damage (AR) states and their limit values ​​(Damage Limits and Damage Zones in Structural Elements).

  • Ductility control is made for all elements (column, beam, curtain).

  • The interaction diagrams of the reinforced concrete sections under the effect of axial force and biaxial bending are found by performing moment-curvature analysis according to the current material strengths. Concrete and reinforcement steel models given in TBDY ANNEX 5B are used in moment-curvature analysis .

  • In column and beam elements, plastic hinges defined according to the Stacked Plastic Behavior Model are modeled as described in the Concentrated Plasticity Model topic.

  • Nonlinear two-dimensional concrete finite elements and reinforcement fibers defined according to the Distributed Plastic Behavior Model defined in shears and polygonal walls are modeled as described in the title of Distributed Plasticity Models.

  • The rules for earthquake calculation are explained in detail under the heading General Principles and Conditions for Seismic Analysis.

  • Modification Limits used in determining the performance of existing buildings are determined as described in Deformation Limits of Reinforced Concrete Elements.

  • Determination of the performance of existing buildings is made and reported as described in Determination of Earthquake Performance of Existing Buildings.

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