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Materials Tab

From the Materials tab, existing materials in the project are viewd and edited, and new materials are created.


List of materials

The materials in the project file are listed with their pictures.


The image of the selected material to be obtained when rendered is previewed.


The preview is shown on the sphere object.


The preview is shown on the cube object.


Preview is not shown.


Opens the material editor window. New material can be defined here.


Creates a copy of the selected material.


Changes can be made to the settings of the selected material.


Deletes the selected material.


Provides easy access to the material by entering the material name in the material list.

Sort items by name

Sorts the items appearing in the list alphabetically.

Pack used textures

Saves the texture images in the material list to a selected folder.

Remove unused materials

Deletes the materials in the material list that are not used in the project from the list.

Load from library

Loads previously saved items to the list.

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