One-Way Slab Required Strength per ACI 318-19 with ideCAD
How does ideCAD calculate one-way slab required and design strength according to ACI 318-19?
Rigid and semi-rigid diaphram conditions is choosen by user according to irregularities defined in ASCE 7/16.
Analysis is done automatically according to finite element method.
Required strength is designed to analyse with Load Factors and Combinations per ACI 318-19 with ideCAD
Download ideCAD for ACI 318-19
Mu = factored flexural moment at section, lb
Mn = nominal flexural strength at section, in.-lb
The required strength is designed to analyze Load Factors and Combinations per ACI 318-19 with ideCAD. The analysis is done automatically according to the finite element method. The user should choose rigid and semi-rigid diaphragm conditions according to ASCE 7/16.

Factored moment
Mu at the support is calculated at the face of support for slabs built integrally with supports.
Download ideCAD for ACI 318-19