Load Combinations with Seismic Load Effects (
Load combinations with earthquake effects are automatically generated by using Equations 4.11 and 4.12 .
While designing a steel structure, 9.1a-9.1c is used in the selection of GKT, while G in Equation 4.12 in accordance with (a) is used as 1.2G for IAC .
E d = Total earthquake effect based on the design with directional coupling
E d (H) = Horizontal earthquake effect based on the design with direction coupling
E d (Z) = (Z) direction earthquake effect
G = Constant load effect
H = Horizontal ground thrust effect
Q = Live load effect
Load Combinations of Earthquake Effects for Perpendicular Directions (

The edited combinations are given under three headings: reinforced concrete, steel and user-defined under the subtitle of building tree loading combinations in the interface. All combinations used for reinforced concrete, steel and base pressure control are given in the subtitle of optional report loading situations and loading combinations.