Duopitch Roofs - Wind Pressure Coefficients
Pressure coefficients of duopitch roofs are calculated automatically.
b = Width of the structure
e = Edge distance
cpe,10 = External pressure coefficient
h = Height of the structure
qb = Basic velocity pressure
qp(ze) = Peak velocity pressure
ze = Reference height
we = Wind pressure acting on the external surfaces
θ = Wind direction angle
The wind pressure acting on the external surfaces, we is obtained from equation below.
The roof, including its protruding parts, should be divided in zones. Pressure coefficients cpe should be defined for each zone. Zones are given in EN 1991-1-4 Figure 7.8. Pressure coefficient values are given in EN 1991-1-4 Table 7.4a and Table 7.4b.

Pressure coefficient values are given in EN 1991-1-4 Table 7.4a and Table 7.4b.

In the ideCAD software, the regions to which the pressure coefficients of duopintch roofs will be applied are calculated automatically.