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Finite Element Meshes of Polygonal Cross-section Shear Wall (Shell Elements) (

  • Reinforced concrete walls with a rectangular cross section, I, T, L, U or C are modeled automatically
    with shell finite elements containing degrees of freedom for both in-plane and out-of-plane displacements .

  • All 6 degrees of freedom are
    considered at the joints of shell finite elements .

  • The user determines the selection of finite element sizes so that the internal force distribution is calculated with sufficient accuracy by entering the finite element size.

  • The effective section stiffnesses for in-plane and out-of-plane behavior are
    determined automatically according to 4.5.8 .

Reinforced concrete walls with a rectangular cross section, I, T, L, U or C are modeled automatically with shell finite elements that contain degrees of freedom for both in-plane and out-of-plane displacements .

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