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I cannot install the ideCAD.

Problems that may occur during ideCAD installation and their possible solutions are explained in detail under this title.

Situation 1

If the installation is not working at all, it may be incomplete while downloading during the download process. Download the setup file again and confirm that the download has finished.

Situation 2

After pressing the right button on the setup file, run the setup by clicking "Run as administrator" from the menu that opens.

Situation 3

Protection programs installed on the computer can prevent files downloaded from the internet. You can temporarily disable checking for the setup file in the protection program you are using and try again.

Turn off protection in Windows 10

  1. In Windows, select Start> Settings> Update & Security> Windows Security>  Virus & threat protection> Manage settings (or Virus & threat protection settings in previous versions of Windows 10).

  2. Set Real-time protection to Off.

  3. Turn Real-time protection On after installation.

Refer to its help for operation steps in other protection programs.

Situation 4

Run the setup with an account that has been given administrator rights.

Checking the administrative account in Windows 10

  1. In Windows, click Settings> Accounts.

  2. Under Your Information, confirm that the account type is Administrator.

  3. If not, switch to an Administrator account.

Making the user account an administrator account

  1. Under Settings> Accounts> Family & other users, select the account owner name and then Change account type.

  2. Under Account type, select Administrator and OK.

  3. Log in with the new administrator account.

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