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How Can I Change Truss Connections?

How can I convert bolted connections to welded-plate connections after defining trusses?

Selecting Truss Connections:

If the cross-section of the truss elements is double equal-leg angle 2L:

  1. Click the truss macro twice to open the truss properties window.

  2. The connection type is selected from the "connection type" in the right bottom section of the section tab.

  3. Welded + Plate option can be used.

  4. Bolted + Plate option can be used.

If the cross-section of the truss elements is circular or box profile;

  1. Click the truss macro twice to open the truss properties window.

  2. The connection type is selected from the "connection type" in the right bottom section of the section tab

  3. The welded option can be used. 

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