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Wind Pressure and Wind Forces

  • The wind pressure acting on the external surfaces, we is calculated automatically.

  • The wind force acting on a structure, Fw is calculated automatically.

  • Structural factor cscd is defined by user.


Aref = Reference area of the structure or structural element
Fw = The wind force acting on a structure
cf = Force coefficient for the structure
cpe = External pressure coefficient
cscd = Structural factor
qp(ze) = Peak velocity pressure
we = Wind pressure acting on the external surfaces

Wind Pressure on Surfaces

The wind pressure acting on the external surfaces, we is obtained from equation below.

qp(ze) is the peak velocity pressure, cpe is the pressure coefficient for the external pressure given in Pressure and Force Coefficients title

Wind Forces

The wind forces for the whole structure or a structural component is calculated from equation below. Wind forces calculated by using summation over the individual structural elements, are applied to diaphragms.

Structural factor cscd is defined by user. cf is the force coefficient for the structure or structural element. qp(ze) is the peak velocity pressure at reference height ze. Aref is the reference area of the structure or structural element.

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